Monday, 16 April 2012

Carding Mill Valley Trip

Sam and the sheep sign

Shropshires rolling hills

time for a snack break

The waterfall was flowing quite fast

the sheep were very friendly

we tried to slide down the hillsides on cardboard sleds

Rowan crossed the stream by rope

The view from the reservoir

The view of the reservoir

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Crocky Trails - Spring 2012Aaron and Eleri at the top of the giant slide

Aaron and Eleri at the top of the giant slide 
Michelle took everyone on the spinning trailer

Phoebe looks trepidatious aboard the Titanic

Aaron and Rowan hanging on aboard the Titanic

Rowan and Leon climb the tower

Should we put Aaron in the canon?

Rowan jumps in the stream

Walking the plank

Rowan rockets down the slide

Ready for a group descent

Shannon sits while Rowan lies down

Eleri is half way down

Aaron is King of the castle

Rowan loses grip on the Titanic

Michelle fulfils a lifetime ambition by sliding off the Titanic

Paul walks out of the spider web while others slide back down

Everyone got stuck in the tunnel of doom

Eleri and Aaron at the disco

Eleri narrowly misses getting swiped off the bar

Time for a pep talk

Giant reaches up to get something off the tree

Kick the can!

Don't fall in!

Bridge over muddy water


You can do it Michelle!

Aaron in war paint

Leon swings over the river

and then he walks back

On the merry go round

Shannon finishes the trail with a smile

Weston Park Trip

Thea climbed all the way to the top of the tower 
Aimee and Michelle went across the chain walk

Eleri went down the pipe slide

Amee enjoyed the big slide

We all tried to tell the time on the sundial

We went racing through the woods

Jacob went on the zip slide

Michelle and Thea went down the big slide

Everyone went in the cave for a photo

Eleri found an antler